Frequently Asked Questions

  • If you’d like to explore a self care practice, or make time for yourself, learn a technique that can help you ground, settle and get to know yourself better then Yes!

  • Don’t worry, no experience is necessary and it’s a fully guided experience. You’ll leave feeling better than the you came. More calm, restful, relaxed, more you.

  • What if you LOVE it?! If there’s any inkling of curiosity, then come along and give it a go. People rarely leave not having felt relaxed and rested.

  • Good vibes and a warm welcome. Whether you come to a group, class or 1:2:1 it’s the same. We’ll be lying down on yoga mats, cosied up with blankets, warm socks and an eye mask. Once you’ve got the breathing pattern, we’ll breathe, laugh, holler and feel our life force energy awakening. You might feel sensations such as tingling and buzzing, all of which is normal and you may feel nothing at all. You may feel like you’ve seen the meaning of the life and you may fall asleep. All is welcome and trust you’ll get exactly what you need. You’ll always get some dark chocolate at the end too!

  • If you’re new to breathwork, I recommend a group class or booking a 1:2:1 - depending on how you feel. Group sessions are a great way to experience it and feel the energy and connection with others. A 1:2:1 can be great if you prefer to have more some space to share and are seeking more guidance and support. Once you’ve learned the technique, you can breathe at home and use my other offerings as a way to check in, go deeper and feel connection.

  • It’s totally worth making the time to experience the sense of clarity and spaciousness. Sessions are 90 mins - with plenty of space to relax. The actual breathwork part is usually around 45 mins. After each Gather // Virtual breathwork class, you’ll receive the replay so if you can’t attend, you can breathe in your own time.

  • It’s an active breathing technique - which blends an ancient breathing practice, modern therapeutic techniques and spiritual wisdom, offering a holistic approach to self awareness and self discovery.

  • Group classes start at £20 and a 1:2:1 at £100.

  • In more ways than you can imagine. Each experience is life affirming and deeply relaxing. It’s like pressing hard reset. And as you quieten the mind you’ll notice clarity around your daily life, the patterns and areas you may feel blocked. It’s often described as therapy without words - and it couldn’t be more true. It can help you shift emotional and trauma and help you reconnect to who you are at your essence. It’s like connecting to source - the source of you and to a sense of something greater - whatever that means to you. And it doesn’t have to mean anything, that’s the beauty of it.

  • Breathwork itself is a safe practice. If you are pregnant, taking anti-coagulant drugs, have a severe bleeding disorder (haemophilia), a history of cardiovascular disease, including angina or heart attack, have a heart condition, diabetes, circulatory problems, blood clots, cancer/malignancies, bone disorders, high blood pressure, glaucoma, retinal detachment, osteoporosis, significant recent physical injuries or surgery, metal implants or a pacemaker, please make this information known to me prior to attending the class.

    Breathwork is not advised for persons with severe mental illness or seizure disorders or for persons using major medications. It is also unsuitable for anyone with a personal or family history of aneurysms. Persons with asthma should bring their inhaler and if concerned, consult with their GP first.

    If you have any concerns about your health and the contra-indications of breathwork, please get in touch.

  • I hold weekly sessions at Rockwater in Branksome Chine - every Wednesday at 6.45am - 60mins

    Monthly In -Person breathwork sessions

    Once a month on a Tuesday 7.45-9.15pm at Evolve Co-Working space 8a Parr St, Ashley Cross BH13.

    Once a month on a Thursday at SuStudio, Canford Cliffs BH14 at 7.15-8.45pm.

    Click here for classes

  • I work with young people aged 14yrs and above at my home practice. It can be helpful to breathe 1:2:1 or with a parent or caregiver. Classes are more suited for aged 16yrs and above. Get in touch if you have any questions.

  • Yes! I offer 1:2:1’s individually and for couples and groups virtually. I also share Gather, my virtual group breathwork twice monthly on Wednesday’s 7.30pm.


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