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Experience your body and your breath in a truly illuminating way ———

bringing light to all parts



This life changing practice, is THE tool to amplify your connection to self love and compassion - the starting point for all healing journeys, Breathwork changed everything for me...


and I believe it can for you too

Classes + Events —————

Dipping your toes in the breathwork waters? Or are you seeking some space and time to yourself, to let go of what you’re carrying? then this is for you.

Private Sessions —————

For guidance, compassionate enquiry and intuitive insights - book a one to one, couples or family/ friends experience or for your team and business.

Courses —————

Deep dive beyond the class, expand your practice, your confidence and your community. Whether you’re a newbie or well practiced, there’s something for you in 2024.

I’m Ellie, my mission is to guide you through your resistance and into your light ——

with humour, compassion + unconditional love


We can spend a lifetime seeking acceptance, twisting ourselves into pretzels to receive the love, attention and recognition we feel will complete us… Only to wake up one day and realise we lost ourselves in the process. To wonder ‘Who am I?’ ‘What am I here to do?’

Modern life is full of distraction… the career ladder, finding ‘the one’, buying all the things we think will make us happy. Sometimes they do, sometimes they don’t, but those things are a separating us from our birthright - to feel we belong.

Breathwork can help us reconnect with self love and acceptance, I’ve seen it in myself and others - empowering us to feel less at sea with big feelings and to find the resilience and compassion, to embrace all parts of ourselves, one breath at a time.

Amplifying self love and compassion is transformational and is the beginning of all healing journeys. Join me for life changing healing experiences, illuminating conversations, a-ha moments and belly laughs.. we’re all in this together!

ellie x

Be illuminated

Enlightened Thinking —————

Unscripted conversations with creatives, leaders and seekers about the experiences that take us to or edges and invite us to grow.

Curated Calm —————

Experience the magic of of breathwork wherever you are with inspirational, curated playlists for each season.

Free guide —————

Create the perfect set up for your home practice and virtual breathwork experience. Cosy, calm and uninterrupted.

Curious? Have more questions?